Other Services
We provide ancillary and complementary services with flexibility and expertise
Securitisation Services also provides the following services:
- Provision, validation and upload of the templates required by the European Central Bank (ECB) for maintenance of eligibility on the European DataWarehouse (EDW) website
- Monitoring ECB eligibility criteria as requested in the Guideline (EU) 2015/510 of the European Central Bank of 19 december 2014
- Provision of report loan by loan for Rating Agencies
- Assistance to Originators / Servicers in preparing the Servicer Report or any other reporting required by the transaction
- Real estate trading companies management and administration (Real Estate Valuer, “REV”, or Real Estate Owned Company, “REOCO”)
- Management of Financial intermediaries registered in the Bank of Italy list as per Art. no. 106 of the Italian Banking Act
- Notification Agent
- Management of monthly reporting to the central risk monitoring system (Centrale dei Rischi)
- Assistance to the bond issuers in opening and managing the relationship with Bank of Italy or Monte Titoli and other Central Depository systems
- Monitoring specific covenants identified in the transaction documents of bond issues